Attracktive #1
LTE-groupquality & safetyby train

On the pulse of time: goods transport to the highest international standards


The various and diverse activities interlock like cogwheels, which together guarantee that goods and merchandise from international customers are collected and delivered to the right place at the right time. This is guaranteed by the highest safety standards and state-of-the-art quality management.

LTE | Handler

LTE-group: Green Logistics


When it comes to saving CO2 and achieving climate targets, it is essential to shift freight transport from road to rail.


Our competent team of 700+ specialised employees and our state-of-the-art fleet of 120+ multi-system electric locomotives make a conscious contribution to this.

CO2 savings


When it comes to saving CO2, nothing is as simple as transporting goods by rail. Want to check it out again? Then take a look at our video:


LTE @ Youtube


(* where available)

LTE facts #6: co2 savings | 0:42 | 1920 x 1080 | 25p

SQAS – safe travelling


The highest quality and maximum safety are guaranteed by, among other things, SQAS reporting at the innovative goods transport and logistics group LTE.


What is SQAS - learn about it here.

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Contact us

Head Office LTE-group

Bahnstraße 51/1
2440 Gramatneusiedl | Austria
T: +43 (0)316 57 20 20-0
F: +43 (0)316 57 20 20-250

© 2025 LTE group